Code generation in Rust

So you want to write Rust code that writes Rust code? Here are your options.

  • Macros
  • Build script (
  • Source generation

When to use each of them?

  • Macros
    • Available to external users in their Rust code
    • Easy to incorporate anywhere in the Rust codebase
  • Build script
    • Use external non-Rust tools
    • Generate files that can be included in Rust code
  • Source generation
    • Custome code generation
    • Large code generation with custom logic


Let me explain each approach first. Each approach has its own use.


Macros is an advanced feature of Rust to generate code in place. There are three types of procedural macros:

  1. Derive macros (#[derive(MyMacro)])
  2. Attribute macros (#[my_macro])
  3. Functional macros (my_macro!())

See its chapter in the Rust book. This post discusses declarative macros in a friendly way too.

Build script

A build script is a piece of code that runs before a crate is built. Some example use cases are:

  • Building a bundled C library.
  • Finding a C library on the host system.
  • Generating a Rust module from a specification.
  • Performing any platform-specific configuration needed for the crate.

See the reference.

Source generation

We call source generation the process of generating Rust code, as a build script may do, outside of the usual compilation process, so without the help of cargo. Some reasons to do this are:

  1. Does not take compilation time for consumers of your crate.
  2. Compilation does not depend on non-Rust code used for generation.
  3. Full source code is available for other tools.
  4. Full control (and responsability) over the synchronization of generated source code and the rest of the crate.



Usually they require their own separate crate


Build script

  • They might not play well with other tools that analyze your crate.

Typically you do something like this in

let out_path = PathBuf::from(env::var("OUT_DIR").unwrap());
std::fs::write(out_path.join(""), contents).unwrap();

Then include it in your code (e.g. in like this:

include!(concat!(env!("OUT_DIR"), "/"));

Source generation

Keeping things in sync is now your responsability.



Build script

Source generation

  • Web interface in Rust
  • Rust-analyzer grammar
    • internal sourcegen crate is the infraestructure to generate the Rust code
    • Rust-analyzer generating code from ungrammar files (grammar specification) that uses its internal sourcegen crate
  • Rome grammar generator
    • Rome generating code from ungrammar files

Tools for writing Rust code

Parsing input

  • syn
    • Parses a stream of Rust tokens into a syntax tree of Rust source code.
  • Any parser library
    • pest, nom, pom, combine, etc…

Writing Rust code

  • duplicate
  • quote
    • Turns Rust syntax tree data structures into tokens of source code.
  • codegen
    • Builder pattern for Rust code, resulting in a String
  • Templates
    • format!, write!, etc…
    • Write your code by interpolating strings

Formatting Rust code