UI development in Rust, 2022

There was a recent call for blogs about Rust GUI. These are my thoughts about User Interface, as opposed to only the graphical part.

Before we mention things like reactivity, GPUs and others, remember: graphics is but one way to interact with the user. Reading through xi-editor’s plugin architecture has been one of the best sources of inspiration. Ask yourself the following.

How is your application having a conversation with the user?

From the development side, you should think about testing: how do you test your application? This is far more difficult than testing some “backend functionality”. There is at least automatic controlling (web driver?) and querying elements (CSS querying?) involved.

Have all this in mind while reading through ;)

Example: a counter

Consider a counter widget. It has two parts:

  • the (current) count displayed
  • increment button

Consider the interaction of pressing the button twice, what should happen?

  • Option 1:
    • Increment the count by two no matter what and report as soon as possible.
  • Option 2:
    • If the buttons were clicked within 1/20 of a second, increment the count only once, otherwise increment twice.
  • Option 3:
    • After the first click, disable the button until the count is updated. Then enable it again.
    • Increment the count only if the button was clicked while enabled, of course.

Here we are modelling the conversation that our application is having with the user. They all can be the correct answer depending on the widget you are using. For this counter, I prefer option 4.

  • Option 4:
    • Upon the first click, if the processing takes longer than 1/60 of a second, disable the count display, but not the button. Enable the count display once it is updated.
    • Upon the second click, process the increment anyway. If the count display is disabled, then disable the button. Enable the button once the count display is updated (including this last increment).

Option 4 is a detailed model of a conversation between the user and the application. Every reaction from the application is part of the interaction they are having. Disabling the count display is saying “I am working on updating it, but you can increment more if you want”. Disabling the increment button is saying “Great, but you already interacted too much with me, so give me time to process”.

This is a very important design decision while developing (G)UIs. Moreover, this choice feels much like dealing with race conditions. What are the current Rust frameworks encouraging or facilitating?

Where does it come from?

Say I propose that vec.push() were an async operation, would you agree? Most likely not, but why would I suggest so?

In Rust, Vec is implemented so that when the buffer is full, it migrates its memory to a doubled-sized buffer. What if, after sending the request for pushing an element (vec.push()), I want to query the first element of the vector? If we were crazy for speed, we might think of accessing the first element while Vec is doing its migration… only if the operating system is slow enough so that the migration takes more than… 1/1000 of a second(?). Let’s be clear: if the migration of memory were to take 1 minute, I would definitely like to access the first element before completing the migration.

This process does not happen in practice in Vec because (we assume that) operating systems are fast enough. That is why vec.push() is “blocking”. This process does happen in (G)UIs, so you should think about it. And frameworks should give their point of view on this topic.

Basic progression

Imagine there is a really cool function or library that you would like to interact with. The first step would be to make a command line interface application (CLI). There is even a CLI Rust working group overseeing its development, which I think is great.

Single functionality

The most basic interface would be solving one single task: parse the input and return output. For this, the way to go is using something like clap for parsing, then do you thing and report back.

Already here, you should consider internationalization of reporting back. Think of different languages and outputting sound and not only text.

Some relevant crates are the following.

  • tts
    • high-level Text-To-Speech (TTS) interface
  • rust-i18n
    • load localized text from a set of YAML mapping files
  • fluent
    • localization system designed to unleash the entire expressive power of natural language translations

For testing the application, you may use the following crates.


Single functionalities are about a one-time execution. There is no data stored, no sustained interaction. In a REST API, you introduce repeated interactions while keeping everything else as simple as opssible. In particular, the server that process your requests is stateless. The proposal is to consider a REST API.

A REST API is any API that the REST principles:

  • Client-server architecture
    • REST APIs separate the client (the one requesting information) from the server (the one possessing information). The client does not have to worry about how the server stores and retrieves data.
  • Uniform interface
    • Whether the client is a software application, a browser, a mobile app, or something else entirely, it can access and use the REST API in the same way.
  • Statelessness
    • The server does not have to remember the client’s state. All the client’s requests must be “stateless,” so each request must include all necessary information (such as the client’s authentication details).
  • Cacheability
    • REST servers can cache data and reuse it for other requests in the future.
  • Layered system
    • REST APIs may have multiple intermediary layers between the client and the server. However, the client does not have to know these implementation details.
  • Code on demand (optional)
    • Clients may download code (e.g. Java applets or JavaScript scripts) to access additional functionality at runtime.

Thinking in programable interactions helps you streamline the user experience design with complex interactions. This is a useful guide on building a REST APIs by LogRocket. You may also check these Best practices for REST API design. Lastly, you may want to checkout OpenAPI as a standard way to express your HTTP API.

Some relevant crates are the following.

For testing you should consider testing the REST API by spinning up a server in your integration tests and making request to it.

For deployment, have a look at

Interaction should be devided into two classes:

  • Interactive questions where forms are filled
  • The state of the system changes

They are fundamentally different.

Basic forms

Forms refers to a complex request that is designed to be filled by a user in various steps. Basically, a request builder. Some examples of common UI elements for forms are:

  • text input
  • drop-down menu
  • multi-choice selector
  • ranges

As opposed to the “immediate” request-response model, filling forms can (and should) be guided by the application. Some guidance provided are:

  • early verification of fields
  • suggestions and tips

I think the main issue with interactions are user expectations. Let me ask you:

  • What if your program is taking too long to finish?
    • Do you report back saying “working”?
  • When asking for more input…
    • do you wait until infinity?
    • do you play a sound to call the attention of the user?
    • do you keep processing in the background? Basically, how do you plan the interaction with the user? As mentioned in the counter application example, there are many options to implement an interaction!

In general for UI, I believe that async interactions are the way to go. async uses “tasks” to abstract over threads and execution. It allows you to, for example, prioritize the interaction with the user over the underlying computations. This makes the application feel more responsive. Traditionally, offloading long tasks is done in a very selecting way, introducing various concepts like “web workers”. Instead, working with async from the get go allows you to schedule tasks independently of the hardware architecture it will run on (even over only one thread).

Some crates that can help you, even at the CLI level, are the following.

  • dialoguer
    • small interactive user inputs for the command line
  • indicatif
    • report progress to users
  • howudoin
    • separates the progress producers from the consumer
  • console
    • nice looking command line interfaces
  • asking
    • Async prompts
    • There are more references in the README
    • I am the author :)
  • tokio
    • Most popular and mature async runtime
  • smol
    • Modular, small and fast async runtime
    • Especially, look for priority async executors
      • https://github.com/smol-rs/async-executor/blob/master/examples/priority.rs

For testing the application, you may use the following crates.

Stateful application

Interactions may not only be a way to help making complex requests, it may be about changing the state of the application.

As opposed to REST API, this means that the application now has a state and the user should be able to: change it, see it, undo changes, etc.

Before you introduce any complex interaction, think about what are the fundamentally different states your application can be, how is this communicated to the user, and how you indicate how to change the state of the application.

States of applications should be restorable, logged, queryable, changeable, predicatble, clear, etc…


Once you add interactions, you should think about testing interactions. The brute-force way would be to test all possible interaction paths, which is actually a good idea in small applications.

A driver is a program that can control your application (simulate a user). The driver should get as much information as the user, and developing a driver usually streamlines the design of the interaction with a user by: highlighting the important information to take a decision.

As an analogy, browser have a WebDriver, which can “act as a user”. Recently, the information the WebDriver receives needed to be augmented to run more complex test. This is a sign that any complex UI system should eventually have a driver.

So far, I do not know of any GUI framework in Rust that comes with its own driver.

Adding complex interactions

So far, we have not left the terminal, and sometimes you do not need to. To add more interactivity, you go for a terminal user interface (TUI).

Some relevant crates are:

  • ratatui
    • An actively maintained fork of tui
    • build rich terminal user interfaces or dashboards
  • cursive
    • focused on ease-of-use

You can do a lot without leaving the terminal! And the basic question still apply: how do you plan the interaction with the user?

For testing the application, you may use the following crates.

  • enigo
    • control your mouse and keyboard in an abstract way on different operating systems

Stepping out of the terminal

Graphics is but one form of interaction. As soon as you step out of the terminal, you should consider accessibility (different ways of interaction) a major concern. So far, you should consider integration with AccessKit, “UI accessibility infrastructure across platforms”.

Running on desktop, mobile, web, embedded… they are totally different and the user expects a different experience in each of them. Personally, I simply go with web apps where many important problems are solved… at a price, the web model for applications.

I have used

They are great and vastly different, so think about what you want before committing to one of them.

For testing the application, you may use the following crates.

  • fantoccini
    • High-level API for programmatically interacting with web pages through WebDriver

Stepping out of a single machine

The progression continuous with applications that run partly on a server, but I will not go into that.

Pain points

What problems arise while developing applications that are not so easy to solve? For me, everything changed when I thought of using an application as a conversation between at least two actors: the user and the application. More actors would be plugins of the application or the server. All these actors share a common resource: the interface. Are GUIs thought to share resources with the user, or simply getting back as soon as possible?

Consider the simple task of loading a webpage. Showing a skeleton of the site is a vast improvement in user experience. Are Rust GUIs thinking about this? Reading the documentation of GUI frameworks, this task seems to be left out. It is definitely possible to do, but should it not be one of the most basic tasks? Loading a page is but one action when rendering on screen. In general, each interaction will take time, how should the application handle time and what structures facilitate this development?

Consider the famous reactivity model. The main idea is to make the basic types signals. Reference to the most updated value is a basic element, run effects that occur every time a value changes, etc. If a sequence of reactions should deactivate part of the UI, is it easy to get all widgets affected by a signal and temporarily deactivate them?

Lastly, background work. If the user wants to let the app work on something while they change the configuration of the theme… how easy does the framework make it is to code this behavior?


This is more a list of things that I would like they had more attention.

  • Accessibility
    • Many types of interactions, including
      • voice commands
      • keyboard navigation
      • etc…
  • Internationalization
    • Include it in the tutorials!
    • Close integration with frameworks like fluent
  • Async by default
    • All interactions are async, you can opt-out
  • Easy reporting
    • Reporting to user while working is a must
  • Plugin system
    • Hopefully based on WASM and WASI

We can aim for much more than what web development dictates!